
The Book of Enoch: Are Extraterrestrials the Source of Religious Beliefs?

Although tens of thousands of prophets have come to earth throughout religious history, the number of prophets we know of is very small, and most of the information comes from Israel. We are trying to find some truth with limited information from sources that cannot be proven to be historically accurate. Despite billions of dollars spent by religious institutions, no concrete information about the lost history of past religions has been found. However, an incident in 1946 caused a huge stir in the study of religious history. A group of children who were herding sheep in Kumral saw the resurrected prophet and his angels and wrote down all the details. This discovery points to the existence of hidden prophets, such as Enoch or Kidder.

Enoch’s Mysterious Journey and Divine Warnings

According to Israeli sources, Enoch lived 365 years and walked with God for 300 years. Enoch did not taste death and was exalted into the divine kingdom. The book of Enoch contains dire warnings for future generations. Visions that occurred in the days of Enoch warned mankind that they would perish along with the waters of the world. Guardian angels are tasked with hindering human progress and constantly monitoring people. This monitoring is done to ensure compliance. However, the guardian angels’ desire for human women led to sinful behavior and they began to mate with humans. These events were the result of God’s divine warnings to humanity.

The Coming of Angels and the Chaos Before the Flood

In the book, people’s study of science is described as a sin and was destroyed by the flood. It is said that God enjoys destroying humans. The mating of angels with humans and the birth of children shows that angels were not created just to obey orders. These events resulted in the depletion of Earth’s resources and the enslavement of humanity. A series of events begins with Michael reporting to God about the condition of the people. God ordered Raphael to imprison Azrael, Gabriel to control the flood, and Michael to capture the angels. Angels and working people told Noah of the judgment and the flood was coming. Although Enoch tried to intercede with the fallen angels, he failed. The flood struck, the order was disrupted, and the fallen angels were punished. The book also explores whether God has come to earth and contains information about the lives of the prophets Muhammad, Moses, and Dul-Kanain.

Enoch’s Ascension and the Palace of God

The book of Enoch details his ascension to heaven. Enoch found himself in a bright cloud that glowed with light as he ascended into the sky. The palace of God was described as being made of crystal and filled with bright stars. Remarkably, Enoch saw thousands of guardian angels in the presence of God. This book describes Enoch’s observations and God’s messages during his journey to heaven. God commanded judgment on fallen angels and sinful mankind through Enoch. Enoch’s narrative emphasizes God’s splendor and heavenly order. These events end with Enoch’s responsibility to communicate God’s will.

The Splendorous Throne of God and Enoch’s Observations

In Enoch’s book, the splendor of God’s celestial throne and the protection of the angels around it are described in detail. The experiences of Enoch during his visit to God’s palace highlight the dazzling nature of celestial beings. The movements of celestial objects and information about space are also presented in the book. This information reflects Enoch’s observations and the will of God while focusing on the history of Israel with allegorical narratives. The book provides advice for the future and includes the classic heaven-hell narrative.

The Wisdom of God and the Origins of the Human Race

This section of Enoch’s book discusses the wisdom of God the reward of the just and the punishment of the wicked. The birth and characteristics of Noah are detailed, including his angelic-like birth and his father’s astonishment. The portrayal of Noah as a bright and speaking baby resembles the birth of Jesus to Christians. Also, the races and prophets mentioned in the book resemble the Sumerian beliefs and the goddess beliefs in the Middle Eastern civilizations. According to Sumerian belief, the origin of the human race occurred as a result of the mating of celestial beings with humans, and these were accepted as Gods. In this section, ancient astronomical theories are also mentioned, believing that humans were genetically modified and created by aliens. Ultimately, what is narrated about the wisdom of God and the origin of humans sheds light on humanity’s past and future, examined from historical, logical, and scientific perspectives.

Questioning in Human History and Belief Systems

The mysterious relationship between questioning and belief systems throughout human history is examined. Contradictory information to mainstream history and traces left by ancient civilizations are questioned. Particularly, the questioning process of Prophet Abraham and the attitudes of subsequent religions prohibiting questioning are discussed. The Roman Empire’s strategy of religious conversion and oppressive policies are examined, focusing on the societal and political influence of belief systems. Additionally, thoughts are shared on the prevention of questioning current belief systems and societal control. In this context, the struggle of the Book of Enoch with belief systems and the strategy of Rome in creating new religions are discussed.

The Religious Transformation of the Roman Empire and Manipulation of Belief Systems

The strategy of the Roman Empire to replace the pagan religion with Christianity is examined. During this transformation, pagan belief symbols and customs were Christianized to ensure the acceptance of the new religion. The oppressive policies of Rome towards pagan belief systems and their destructive effects are discussed. Especially, major losses such as the burning of the Library of Alexandria and the destruction of written works during this period are emphasized. Rome’s efforts to control belief systems to maintain social order are revealed. Additionally, it is noted that during the conversion to Christianity, Rome selectively examined and destroyed texts, preventing access to the truth and manipulating religion according to its own interests. The reasons behind the preservation and destruction of texts like the Book of Enoch during this process are also questioned. In conclusion, a thorough analysis is presented on the impact and manipulation of belief systems on humans.

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